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Girls without GOOD LUCK

What I am going to write is something that I realised these last years.
I can call it a discovery  about love in teenagers. It includes DECEPTION as the main topic.
Girls are prepared to not be chosen . Girls that had to be a second option of an idiot, sorry! I wanted to say: boy.
The girls dreamt  with princes but life made them  learn about suffering. And now they are lonely and they do not know what is going to happen with them. Maybe the blue prince comes and takes one of them to the castle and live happy forever. Yeah! I am just joking.
Why when you are a child people used to read these kind of books, love stories? Those things make you think that true love exists.  Today I can say:  TRUE LOVE DOESN'T EXIST.
When a boy tell you that "you are the love of his life"  (don't believe him, he said it because he wanted to have sex with you).
In my opinion there is no difference between having sex or making the love. Most of boys prefer having sex than going out with you (like going to the cinema, having dinner, having lunch)  . They really don't know what is loving another person.
Women are so stupid if they think that one day  boys will have the same feelings. Girls PLEASE, OPEN YOUR EYES!!
However, how can I live without a stupid next to me?  Honestly, it is difficult to imagine.
I would like to find a boy who does not make me suffer.  Is that possible?  I do not believe it.
Whenever... I am getting used to being alone, without any kiss or huge.  Loneliness... I do not want it but It's my life and I have to live.
Enjoy every time, everything, because I am just (18) eighteen years old.
Would be great if I hadn't these kind of deceptions.
Every boy that stayed with me, broke my heart so what? I am sure that I am the problematic, always is the simplest way tell the other that he has problems.
But honestly, none of them really loved me, and when I realised it was so sad for me, because I was absolutely in love with them, I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I can tell you that I loved them with my last breathe.
I must confess there was a lot of time without writing in English but it feels better. Of course, writing is Spanish is easier but you know what I mean... I am complicated.
I am not going to complain any more.  I should be drinking mate just for surviving another day.
I regret being so faithful with all the boys I've stayed.  I got a message  to my ex's :
Loves, see you.
Yours faithfully,
Débora S. Paz


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