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Oh sometimes I've got a feeling yeah.
Today is the day when you say: goodbye, my lover! Because today, January ends. Everything has to finish and nothing last forever..
What can I say? a lot, there have been 15 days since  I've written here.
From the very beginning I have to say that I've just passed the First Certificate in English exam, I'm so glad about that, the exam wasn't such difficult but.. it was so expensive. 
Now I'm thinking about practising for the most important English exam... the exam that I have to pass in the University to start the career as a translator. That exam will be the most important of my life, I guess..
What else? Oh the last Saturday of this month.. January 28Th  was my birthday, yeah three days ago. Now I am 19 years old, and I really like it.
Yesterday at 23.59 I arrived home,  I came from San Clemente del Tuyú, is a place where you're near the sea and it is a bit popular. I was on holidays there, I travelled on Friday 27Th.  I must confess that was different I absolutely wanted to do something new in my birthday and enjoyed a lot!
At the moment I am cooking french fries that's my lunch, amazing! Besides, listening to Tan Bionica - Obsesionario en la mayor, that song is the one that I call the song of the bad luck.  I am always trying to listen to that song and something happens and I can't, it's a little weird.
I had the worst the day of the month and was the last Friday, is when you say : how could this happen to me?
However, I must tell you that was a difficult month, but also it was great. There are lots of thing that I can remark and recognise that were good, instead.  We know that everything has a good and a bad part.
Otherwise, I met people who make me feel good and care about me.
Moreover, I'm trying to have a better relationship with my sister, and I hope it works because sometimes I feel like I don't have a younger sister and I hate being alone, she doesn't realise that she's so important.
I'm being so optimistic but people are used to me being pessimistic, and I'm a bit tired of being sad or angry.
My notebook is 1 month older.. she's my companion in the high way of becoming a translator but a good one, not just a simple translator.
I'm on the way expecting to learn how to tolerate the other and be fine with myself, I think it is one of the most difficult challenge that I'd love to pass, but I need patience and my own free will.

One reflection:
Life change and situations change.. but the essence is the same.
Live and let live.  No cares, no regrets.


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